I found a synergy at JKU in Prof. G. of LIT (Linz Institute of Technology) who is hosting a course with challenges to be worked on by students. My idea is to extend my Seminar on Few Shot Learning, Practical Work on potentially an ECM component but certainly some module that connects to an API and works on PDFs to make them barrier-free (accessible), and a resulting Thesis drawing conclusions and comparing in context learning with finetuning by work happening in the applications, organization, legal aspects dimensions, potentially taking this further towards a real (marketable?) application.
The connection has been made and his team will be in touch for spring 2024: I can do my best by focusing on the seminar now.
Housekeeping: Next meeting between the institutes currently involved, i.e. Integrated Study, Knowledge Processing for Applications (FAW) and Machine Learning Institute (MLI) set for mid-December after the Seminar presentation. This, feedback, and probably Practical Work results too go into a report deliverable July 1st 2024.